
Hi! My name is Carla, the creator of this webpage! I enjoy drawing, playing games, and studying. I am a fan of the sonic franchise, and I ocasionally play pokemon.

-More info-

I used a couple of resources for making this (ex. the floating text), but I tried my best to make this website on my own since I am new to coding. My favourite color is grey, and more of my favourites will be found on the "shrines!", places where ill ramble about my interests. The gallery will be filled with all sorts of pictures! Make sure to check it out!

drawing of me!

More about me!


I am interested in a lot of stuff! I just dont interact with all of my interests that much. I like sciences and history as subjects to study but I enjoy playing old sonic videogames the most. Theres a lot of stuff I was kinda trying to learn! Like japanese and playing the keyboard!


I seem to enjoy classic literature the most! Frankenstein and 1984 are memorable mentions.